Work plan of research program COSICOLOGI
(period 2006-07)
Work plan of the scientific program
Develop of interactive environment with graphical assistance, for specification of nodes and topology of a production line.
Develop of environment for building, validation and integration of simulation models of elements of a logistic line and a production line.
Develop of environment of building, validation and integration of optimization models of elements of logistic lines and production lines.
Develop of techniques for consistence of data of different logistic levels of the production line.
Develop of techniques for analysis of stability and robustness of logistic lines, production lines and theirs elements.
Develop of statistics inference methods, data mining and Artificial Intelligence for analysis of results and knowledge extraction.
Design of intelligent controllers based in Artificial Intelligence techniques (fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy controllers). Verification and analysis of these controllers by different costs functions.
Integration of control, computation and communication through control strategies based in Artificial Intelligence techniques and classical techniques.
Design of distributed architectures of Web/Grid services
Work plan of the formation program
TF1. Definition of a post-grade program.
TF2. Starting of the post-grade program.
Specialization courses of
TF4. Seminars and courses of the PhD programs.
Work plan for adquisition, development and supply of services
TI1. Adquisition of the web server.
TI2. Adquisition and started of the aplication server.
TI3. Adquisition and started of the data base server.
TI4. Interactive enviroment for specification of nodes and topology of a production line.
TI5. environment for building, validation and integration of simulation models of elements of a logistic line and a production line.
TI6. environment of building, validation and integration of optimization models of elements of logistic lines and production lines.
Module for consistence of data of different logistic levels of the production line.
TI8. Module for analysis of stability and robustness of logistic lines, production lines and theirs elements.
TI9. Module for analysis of results and knowledge extraction.
This work plan was defined in the meeting of the Management Committee. March 26, 2006.